Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There are plenty of opinions concerning this topic and I’m just adding mine to the list. Reading these types of articles or blogs makes you wonder whose opinion should you trust, right? Or who has the right answer? Honestly, I’m not sure but what I want you to do is learn how to do some research on your own. There’s a quote that I've read that states, “We’ll always make time for what we really want to do”. I forgot where and who said it, but doesn't that make a lot of sense.

We all say that we want to live a healthier life, have a nice body, tone up your thighs, or whatever the case may be. How many would agree and say that accomplishing those things is pretty hard work? You probably seen others that make it look easy but you’re only seeing the finish product. You probably have no idea what that individual had to go through in order to achieve that status.

My method is to “Seek GOD 1st” and ask him to guide you in effort to achieving your goal. Trying to eat healthy should be a way of life and not just a temporary thing. I challenge you to take the time to read the food labels of the foods you eat. If you don’t know what a certain ingredient is, “Google it” and see what you come across. I guarantee that some of things you might find out will be surprising. I want you to know that there’s an alternative to all of the unhealthy things you consume. I believe that if you limit the amount of unhealthy things, then you’ll be on the right track. I must stress that this involves “DISCIPLINE” and “DEDICATION”. I can write blogs all day and give you some pointers but ultimately, it’s up to you. It’ll definitely be a challenge for you to just up and change the way you eat. Especially, if you've been eating a certain way for years. My question is to you is, “How important is living a healthy life to you?”

Some people will have a more difficult challenge if they have certain traits that have been passed on from parents or have a condition that limits you from obtaining their goals. So, you definitely must pay extra attention to the foods you consume. But don’t let that hinder you. I've read plenty of success stories of people with disabilities who didn't let their handicap get in the way of their goals.

When it comes to exercising and paying attention what goes into my body, I’m very aware. Please understand that “I DO NOT KNOW IT ALL” and this is an ongoing learning experience, just like life. I just try my best to stay away from foods or ingredients that are known or link to certain problems or diseases.

So, take control of what enters your body and you could possibly limit your trip to doctors. Remember, some people are born with certain defects or issues that hinder them from obtaining their results quickly. How to deal with those issues is something I truly can’t answer but I know that GOD is the one to consult on that one. I believe there is always a way for those who suffer from whatever conditions, it’s just haven’t been discovered it. You should motivate yourself into finding out the solution and to help those who might have similar issues.