Saturday, June 6, 2015

Omega 3 and its benefits

Have you ever just ask yourself, what is the deal with Omega 3's? Why is there so much research on it and why are there so many products on store shelves? Well, you're not alone in that thought. So, I decided to do a little research to see what all the fuss was about.

Omega 3 is a fatty acid that our body needs for normal functioning. That pertains to building cell membranes inside of our brain, controlling blood clotting, development, and normal growth of our body to name a few. Our body doesn't make this fatty acid naturally, so we have to get it from our foods or dietary supplements. Below, I've included some of the foods that have a good dose of Omega 3's.  

Foods that have Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Flax seed Oil (Cold Pressed), Canola, and Soybean Oil

Fish Oil (Salmon), Sardines, Cod Liver Oil, Herring, Menhaden, Tuna, Anchovy, Trout, Halibut

Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds

Walnuts & Walnut Oils, Pecans, Pistachios, Macadamia nuts, Pine nuts, Black walnuts, Beechnuts, Hickory nuts

Fish Roe (Caviar)

Vegetables like Green peppers, frozen spinach, winter squash, onions, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, & Cauliflower

Seafood, Oysters, Mussels, Squid, Clams

Roasted Soybeans, Fuyu, Dried-Frozen, Fried, & Raw Tofu

Oily Fish, Salmon, Wild Salmon, Tuna, Anchovy, Halibut

If you're brain works like mine, then you're probably wondering how much fatty acid do we need to consume daily. Well, I haven't found an exact amount and recommendations vary depending on who's giving them. Out of my research, I've found most of the experts agree that adults should have at least 500 mg per day. 

The Break down of Omega 3

Omega 3 are made up of 3 fatty acids, which are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), & ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Unfortunately, not all of them all found in every food. So, of the foods listed above, the best sources to find EPA & DHA are found cold water fishes. The best sources to find ALA is in plant food sources. Freshwater fishes like tilapia doesn't contain much EPA & DHA as the cold water fishes.

With EPA alone, it can help with high blood pressure with females who have high risk pregnancies, help with depression, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's. It seems to work best with the combination of DHA. With the combination, these two can help decreasing irregular heartbeats, certain cancers, lung diseases, kidney disease, asthma, high cholestorol, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcers, and the list goes on. From those examples, can't you see why it's important to incorporate Omega 3's in your body. Also another benefit I forgot to mention is that EPA can also reduce swelling and pain within the body. Please don't mistake that for prevention, just reduction.

DHA on the other hand, help develop the tissues that surround your eyes plus the development of nerve tissues throughout the body. It also can help decrease the thickness of your blood and decrease your blood levels of triglycerides. Triglycerides are basically a type of fat the enter into your bloodstream in 3 different ways. Those ways includes, through extra calories & carbohydrates, food that have fat in them, and the release of fat from your fat storage. Triglycerides are on a whole different level and I'll take that one at a later date. Now, back to DHA and its benefits.

DHA have been used as a supplement for premature babies, treating type 2 diabetes, ADHD, and coronary artery disease. It also have been naturally found in breast milk.

Finally ALA, refer to as the forgotten fatty acid out of the group. But make no mistake, this fatty acid is important as well. It just doesn't get that much attention because of the high levels that EPA and DHA produces. Here are some things that you should know about ALA.

It's essential, which means that we need it in the area of normal growth. It helps with maintaining normal heart pumping within our bodies. It can also help reduce blood clotting.rhythm and heart pumping. It might also reduce blood clots, prevent heart attacks, and hardening of your body's blood vessels.

Hopefully, I was able to give you enough information about Omega 3's and how they play a role within our bodies. 

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Your Guide to Eliminating Belly Fat

Please stay away from foods that are high in saturated fat! Saturated fats are known to raise your LDL cholesterol levels, which
are the bad kind of cholesterol for your body. Once the LDL level increases, it contributes to your arteries becoming clogged and increased the risk for heart disease or stroke. There are other studies going on now suggesting that saturated fats could be link to prostate cancer and other diseases. It’s not proven yet but I want you to really think about how these high levels of LDL are affecting our bodies.

You’re probably wondering how much saturated fat should we have daily, right? Well, according to the American Heart Association, they recommend that we should have around 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fats. To break that down further, here's an example. If your calorie diet is 2,000 calories a day, then you should consume around 100-120 calories or about 13 grams a day. I came up with that number using the formula below.

0.05 x 2,000 = 100
0.06 x 2,000 = 120

I converted 5% to decimal form by dividing it by 100 (5/100), which equals 0.05 and did the same for 6%.

For more additional information on saturated fat, check out the YouTube video below: 

Eliminating belly fat is a challenge within itself and here's a few recommendations that will assist you to make that happen.

  • Reduce your saturated fat intake ( less than 20% of your calorie intake)
  • Consume foods that contain Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fat or contain very low fat 
  • Reduce your overall calorie intake
  • Drink more water and less juice or sugary beverages
  • Full body Detox or some type of Liver detox
  • High intensity exercises

The lack of not knowing one reason why people struggle with eliminating unnecessary belly fat. 

Now listed below are some foods that are known to have a higher amount of saturated fats in them. So, remember to read the food labels of anything you consume and focus on the saturated fat levels.

Fatty beef
Beef fat
Poultry with Skin
Dairy Products
Fried Foods
Baked Goods
Plant based oils like Coconut, Palm, & Kernel

Here are some alternatives for replacing foods that are High with Saturated Fats

Choose Oils over Butter but avoid tropical oils like coconut, palm kernels, and palm oils because they are very rich and high in saturated fat. 

Replace high fat dairy foods with Low fat dairy foods

For example, if you're cooking something that requires whole milk, use skim or almond milk
If require buttermilk, use low-fat milk
If require sour cream, use non-fat Greek yogurt

Replace High Fat Meats with Lean Protein Meats

Lean protein foods are usually very low in saturated fat 

If you eat pork bacon, try replacing it with Canadian or Turkey instead
If you consume meat, choose lean ground beef instead of regular ground beef
Choose lean cuts of red meat and take off the visible fat before cooking meat
Choose skinless poultry and seafood
If you're taking the no meat route, then egg whites are a great selection

For some additional ways to try to eliminate your belly fat, grab a copy of my eBook on @ or by clicking on the eBook below:

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Get Your Mind On Track

 Before you can start any type of workout regimen or program, you have to get that mind of yours in a state where you're ready to take on any challenge. The reason why is because your mental power outweighs anything you can do physically.  Think about times throughout your life where you told yourself that you can do or can't do something.  You were probably right in both situations! You told yourself that you was going to accomplish something and you did. You failed at something and told yourself or others "See, I told you it don't work". Those answers can apply to almost anything you've dealt with in life. I've heard and seen it time and time again when it comes to working out or fitness. For example, have you ever receive the same book, program, or guideline that someone else did and only 1 of you got the desire results? You know for a fact that you follow every single recommendation and did what it says and got nothing. How many of us have been there? I can attest to that stage a few times but you're only as strong as your belief. If you truly believe it will happen, then it will. If you doubt and always think that it won't, then it won't. Everything don't happen on your timeline either. So, you have to train your mind in a positive way and surround yourself around those who are positive and can help motivate your mind. Your mind will resist at first, especially if you've been procrastinating all of your life. It's definitely a challenge for most people but once you get it to the point of believing or speaking situations into existence, you'll be amazed. That's 1 of the major differences when it comes to those who get the desire results versus those who don't. Notice, it didn't say the ONLY thing. I'm pretty sure there are probably other things that can be added to that equation. I just know how powerful the mind is. So, if you want to get fit then let's start by getting your mind right. The results will be Priceless!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Art of Stretching

This is probably one thing that's overlook or doesn't get the proper attention that it needs. Stretching is more than what your eyes see. As a whole, why do we neglect stretching? Is it because we don't physically see results or because we feel we can just do anything without it even doing it? Have you ever watched ballerinas or those people who seem to be so flexible? You probably guess that they're just natural and was born to be flexible. I'll bet against that theory. Most of the time, we see people success and automatically think that they became that way overnight. I bet if you can have a conversation with those individuals, you'll see that it took dedication and time. Whatever your reason is, let me point out some benefits when you truly take your time to stretch.

Decrease your risk of injury

Increase Your Posture

Increase Blood Flow throughout your Body

Improve Flexibility and range of motion

Decrease Lower Back Pain

Remember to take your time and listen to how your body responds to a particular stretch. There's a difference between pain and a good stretch. It you get to a point where the pain is excruciating, then please stop and consult a doctor or physical therapist if you can afford it. To be able to get the maximum benefits of stretching, you have to do it the right way. Breathing is also important when you're stretching. Avoid holding your breath!

There's a debate out there whether to stretch before working out or after. I say why not both. Just know that muscles react better to stretching once they're warm up. So, a light jog in place for a couple of minutes should help with that!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Understanding How to Lose, Gain, or Maintain Your Weight

How important is it for you to get to your desire weight? Well, the answer depends entirely on you. There could be endless amount of reasons for your decision. You have a wedding and would like to fit in your dress, the summer's coming and you want to look good in your bikini, or the doctor informed you that you need to cut back on your weight. Whatever the case, you have to be the one to make the ultimate choice. Why? Because your the one who has to live inside of your body. Everything you put in your body will effect it in some form or fashion. I heard a saying stating that "You are what you eat". If that's the case, then my my my.

Losing, gaining, or maintaining your weight can be achieved if that what you truly desire. When your desire outweigh your excuses, then you'll definitely be on the right track. Now, what that being said, everybody starting point is not the same. If you're trying to lose, gain, or maintain, then why not start today. Stop putting it off until New Years, are a month or 2 weeks before your beach trip. The only ones who have a valuable excuse are those who have certain medical conditions that may affect their start time. If you're not suffering from anything medically, then there shouldn't be any excuses. I can show you endless amount of videos from people who decided to stop making excuses and do something about their situations. Here's 1 about Kyle Maynard:  Check out when you get a chance

Big Shout out to Lola Latoya Brown who's currently on her path to stop making excuses; to Keshaunna Duckson who decided to make a change!!

If you know of these beautiful young ladies, then reach out to them and ask what motivated them, I'm pretty sure they'll be able to share with you their story.

There are probably plenty others out there that's having similar success, I just don't know about them but you do.

Now, I've shared some other things in my eBook that could also put a lot of things in perspective that you probably didn't know about. You can grab a copy of it by selecting the following link or typing it in your web browser.

Remember, that all changes start within so do your body a favor and get your mind in order!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Almond Milk Benefits

I remember growing up and boy I used to love me some milk! I still do but it's just not the cow milk anymore. Then, I remember when I first had the chocolate version and you couldn't tell me nothing. I thought I was in milk heaven. Fast forward to this day and age and I fell in love all over again with this Almond Milk. I got introduced to this milk probably around 2005-2006 and I thought it was 1 of the craziest ideas ever. A co-worker of mine was all on this health tip and was suggesting different types of foods and drinks. I wasn't taking him serious at the time because I wasn't really concerned about health or being healthy. I used to think that I was so I wasn't really paying attention to it. So, one day I decided to give it a try because that's all he was talking about. I remember when I first purchased the Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Milk, it was around $1.29 range. Today's prices are more than gas prices! Throughout the years, I've tried different manufacturers version of Almond milk and I've found Silk to be the one that has my taste buds. Below are a few variations of Almond Milk that I have tried.

If you don't think Almond milk is for you then take a look at some of the benefits it provides:

High in Calcium

Better Alternative Than Soy Milk

No Refrigerated Needed

Has Diabetic Benefits

Lots of Vitamin D

Help decrease chances of developing Alzheimer's Disease

These are just a few benefits that I've noticed and why not give it a try to see if you'll like it!

Monday, April 13, 2015

How to develop and focus on core exercises?

Core, Core, Core! Seems like you can’t hear enough about it, and everyone's talking about it. Well, here goes that word again! The reason why you’re probably hearing so much about it because it's important to your body. It's actually the foundation of all your movements throughout your body. It's also responsible for holding and connecting your upper and lower body together. One thing I would like for you to know is that your core is made up more than just your abdominal (abs). I know when we normally here core, we automatically think abs and that's it. I guess the reason why is because of the commercials or infomercials that's shown to us when talking about the core. But, There are several muscles that lie between your hips and shoulder that help keep your spine in tact and allow your body torso to rotate or bend. Check out the pictures below to see the areas that make up your core, then I'll explain a little detail in how they work.

From the pictures above, the areas that make up your core is the diaphragm (The top part of your core). The above picture doesn't show the part specifically but it's above the linea alba. Those areas include your diaphragm, which is the top part of your core, the Transverse Abs, your internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, the erector spinae, and the multididus.

External Obliques: They're located on the front and side of the abdomen

Internal obliques: These obliques are located under the external obliques going in the opposite direction

Rectus Abdominis: They're located around the front of the abdomen and mostly referred to as the 6 pack

Erector Spinae: This part of consists of 3 muscles that run down from your neck to your lower back

Multidifus: They're located beneath the erector spinae down the vertebral column and are responsible for extending and rotating the spine

Tranverse Abdominis (TVA): They're the deepest of the Abdominal muscles, which are the muscles of your waist and wraps around the your spine. This muscles give your spine the stability and protection it needs to function

Hip Flexors: They're located in the front of the pelvis and upper thigh area and have a lot of parts that make up the hip flexors. They include illiacus, psoas major, pectineus, rectus femoris, and sartorius

Hip Adductors: They're located at the medial thigh area

Gluteus maximus: This is your buttocks area. This area is extends to your hamstrings and piriformis (the back of the hip)

Gluteus medius and minimus: They're located at the side of the hip

Now, that you know what your core consists of, it's time to figure out how to work them effectively.


I like to do exercises that challenge the rotation of my core. The key is to move or perform a movement from your adominals. How many times have you seen people in the gym or in videos doing crunches with their hands behind their heads looking like they're about to pull their neck from their body? I just be praying that they don't hurt their neck. When doing that, it's not effectively engaging the core like they think it's doing. If you're doing those, try lifting from your core rather than pulling on your neck & see how much of a challenge it really is. If you can't get it right away, then that's okay. In the mean time, practice on just holding your abdominals for as long as you can in a position slightly off the floor, in which your shoulder blades are not touching the floor. Take baby steps to strengthen your core & be careful.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Which weigh more, 9lbs of Muscle or Fat?

Which 1 weighs more, 9lbs of muscle or 9lbs of fat? I remember the first time I heard this question, and I was quick to say that the 9lbs of fat weigh more. Little did I know, that I was in shock once I found out that they both weigh the same. I was also shown an illustration and it had the fat being so much larger than the muscle. My thought process was that it’s bigger so it has to weigh more. Looks can definitely be deceiving.

  According to doctors and researchers, a pound of muscles burns roughly 7-10 calories a day while fat burns around 2-3. You’re probably wondering why right? I’m not sure but I think it has to do with fat’s role and how it is used for energy for the body. So, if you’re plan is to burn more calories, then it’s obvious that you need more muscle in your body.

Let’s put the burning calories in perspective: To lose a pound of fat, your body need to burn about 3,500 calories. There are exercises that can help you achieve that but you will have to find out how much of those exercises you will actually have to do. If you want a deeper analysis and breakdown of understanding fat, then claim a copy of the eBook “IndividualResults Will Vary” below:

 Individual Results Will Vary

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Individual Results Will Vary

Individual Results Will Vary

Description: This ebook provides useful information and breaking down the fundamentals of developing your best body. Understand & study the blueprint, then apply the recommendations to get the best results. Are you ready to look slimmer, feel healthier, and look sexier than in recent years? Then, click on the "ADD TO CART" button so we can obtain that beach body!

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