Saturday, September 29, 2012

9 Best Supplements for Men

I consider myself somewhat of a health guru and I make up a list of my recommendations sometimes & then I come across certain blogs, websites, authors, or material that just know how to explain things a little better than I can. That also help those who are not able to understand my view point. So, the following 9 Best Supplements For Men content below was written by the Men's Health Magazine and for those of you who don't read that magazine, then here's a little about what you're missing! Hope you enjoy..... It's beneficial so take heed....

Fish Oil
Problem: Heart disease
Loaded with the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, fish oil can reduce triglycerides, boost HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. But your heart isn't the only beneficiary: The healthy fats may also reduce inflammation and improve cognitive performance.
You don't need a prescription to turn around your cholesterol numbers -- just a fork. Make these 12 Food Swaps to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels.
Dose: At least 500 mg DHA and 500 mg EPA daily
Our pick: Kirkland Signature; ($10/400 soft gels)
Natural Sources: Salmon, tuna, or other fatty fish
Psyllium Husk
Problem: Diabetes
This fiber is more than a colon clearer. According to an August 2012 review, the addition of psyllium to your diet reduces blood sugar levels and insulin response. It was also shown to suppress ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry. Psyllium is one of five soluble fibers approved by the FDA for lowering LDL cholesterol.
Dose: 20 to 35 g/day, divided and taken with at least 8 ounces of liquid

Our pick: 
GNC Natural Brand Psyllium Seed Husk; ($15)
Natural Sources: Some fortified cereal grains
Problem: Low endurance
Want to extend your cardio session? People who didn't exercise regularly but took 500 mg of this antioxidant twice a day for a week were able to bicycle 13 percent longer than the placebo group, a University of South Carolina study found. Overall, research shows that quercetin can improve your endurance capacity by about 3 percent. Sick of the treadmill? Try one of these 3 New Cardio Workouts You've Never Tried.
Dose: Up to 500 mg, twice a day
Our pick: Jarrow Formulas Quercetin 500; ($24/100 capsules)
Natural Sources: Red wine, parsley, grapefruit, onions, apples
Problem: Joint pain
One study found that glucosamine, a building block of cartilage, is more effective than acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol) at relieving symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, often caused in younger men by joint injury. Other research suggests that taking glucosamine may play a small role in slowing the progression of osteoarthritis.
Dose: 1,500 mg glucosamine/day
Our pick: Puritan's Pride Glucosamine 1,500 mg; ($48/360 caplets)
Natural sources: Crustacean shells
Vitamin C
Problem: Injury
One in 10 men don't get enough vitamin C in their diets, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vitamin C helps protect your cells from the tissue-damaging free radicals produced by exercise. It also helps heal wounds, and it's key to production of the collagen found in ligaments and tendons.
Dose: Up to 1,000 mg/day in spaced doses
Our pick: Ester-C, 500 mg; ($11/90 tablets)
Natural sources: Citrus fruits, sweet peppers, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts

Problem: Prostate-cancer risk
Found in tomatoes, this potent antioxidant may slow the progression of early prostate cancer to a near-halt, according to a paper in Cancer Causes Control reviewing recent research. It may work by altering hormone metabolism and by causing cancer cells to self-destruct.
Dose: 15 to 20 mg/day
Our pick: Carlson Labs Lycopene (Tomato-Free), 15 mg; ($50/180 tablets)
Natural Sources: Fresh or cooked tomatoes, and fruits with red/pink flesh
Problem: Depression

Talk about head-to-toe relief: A synthetic form of a dietary amino acid, SAMe has been found to treat depression as effectively as prescription antidepressants, according to a Harvard Medical School study. It has also been shown to reduce joint pain and inflammation.
Dose: 600 to 1,600 mg/day depending on the condition
Our pick: Jarrow Formulas SAM-e 200; ($40/60 tablets)
Natural sources: Made in your body, possibly after eating meats, greens, and oranges
Problem: Anxiety/Stress
Chalk up your commute stress to a lack of this natural mineral. People with low levels of magnesium are constantly pumping more adrenaline than normal, and having too little of the nutrient in your body can trigger stress, according to a 2012 review in the journal Nutrition Reviews. Low levels of this lightweight mineral are also linked to big problems like depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer, though some of the associations need more research to be understood.
Dose: 400 mg/day

Our pick: 
Now Magnesium Citrate; ($26/180 softgels)
Natural sources: Cooked black beans, almonds, scallops
Problem: Extra body fat
Men who took green-tea extract burned 17 percent more fat after moderate exercise than those taking placebos, according to one study. EGCG, the most active antioxidant in green tea, is also thought to help prevent certain types of cancer and can improve heart health. Trying to shed a few pounds? Recognize the 21 Restaurant Menu Terms You Must Avoid.
Dose: 890 mg/day green tea extract (containing 340 mg of EGCG)
Our pick: Green Tea EGCG-200; ($15/30 capsules)
Natural sources: Green tea
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Detoxification: Is Detoxing good for your body?

 Liver Detox

Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from a person’s body. A detox diet helps take away toxins in the body that are the result of eating, absorbing, and inhaling all sorts of chemicals seen and unseen. These toxins can destroy body tissues and cause serious health problems over time. 

If that doesn't mean anything to you, detoxification basically mean cleaning the blood. It does this mainly by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body eliminates toxins through the liver and uses the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin to excrete them. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected.
My recommendation is that everyone should detox at least twice a year. A short detoxifying program or whole body cleanse is generally safe; in fact, scientific studies show that a detox is beneficial for health. I don't recommend Women that are nursing, children, or people who have chronic degenerative diseases, cancer or tuberculosis to do so by themselves. Be sure to consult your health care practitioner or your doctor if you have questions about whether detoxing is appropriate for you at the time.  

Also, before you begin your detoxing process, you will need to lighten up your toxin load. It will benefit you if you eliminate drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats because they will slow down your body's healing process. Also, minimize use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal health care products (cleansers, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes), and substitute natural alternatives.

For more understanding about this detox process, be sure to click on the eBook above or click here!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trends in Fitness


Fitness Trends that can help you on your way to get fit:

At Home Exercises 

You don't have to go and spend your hard earn money on those Gym Memberships but if you really need someone to motivate you, then I guess you'll be spending your money at some Gym Facility. But for those you got enough discipline and are seriously about sculpting their bodies at home then programs like P90X and any type of high intensity circuit training programs are the way to go. Don't know what exercise to do? Don't worry because there are 1000s of YouTube Videos available and all you have to do pick one.

Streaming Providers of Workout Videos

This is an option if you find the YouTube videos kind of boring. You have Spotify that stream music, Netflix that stream movies and now you have services like StreamFit, that streams workout videos and they constantly update their video offerings, so subscribers can always find a fresh workout. Be sure you can afford their $ 19.99 monthly price and that with that comes unlimited workout videos. 

Healthy Ready-made Meals

For those of you who feel exhausted after working out, then healthy ready-made meals may be your greatest option. I understand that the last thing you want to do after a exhausting workout is fix your meal. I get like that ever now and then but it doesn't really phase me because I'm too serious about what goes in my body and preparing it. But everyone's not like me and if you can afford it, then having healthy ready-made meals can benefit you. Services that offer this kind of service is Chef's Diet and Meal Movement which caters to dieters and regular exercisers who want to eat healthy but don't have the time to prepare their meals.

Resistance Bands

The reasons why you should incorporate these bands are stated below:

You can target smaller muscles, like the rotator cuff around the shoulder, more easily than with weights. Using a band will increase your coordination and your balance, and utilize more muscle groups at a time.

Bands offer more variety because you can create resistance in all directions. Also, since there are different tension levels based on the color band you use, you can easily alter the difficulty level. Use a higher tension band for an easier exercise like Bicep Curls, or a lower tension band for more difficult exercises like Overhead Shoulder Presses. 

Resistance bands can make all strength training exercises more challenging. Try using one with basic moves like push ups and squats. Or use a band in combination with dumbbells such as this exercise called Bent Over Row with Resistance Band. 

Bands are cheap, so they make a great addition to your home gym. Buy 1 band for around $10 or a set of three for $30.

Resistance bands are lightweight so you can pack them in your suitcase when you travel. You can reconstruct many cable pulley machine exercises with resistance bands too.

There are so many more but I don't want to overwhelm you with too much information but I hope what I discussed will help you on your way to becoming FIT!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Metabolism: Troy's Tips on Naturally Increasing Your Metabolism!

Build Muscle with weightlifting
One thing about muscles is that it consumes more calories than fat and fat is not metabolically active because it only consumes about 2 calories a day to maintain 1 pound of it. There have been studies to prove that a pound of muscle consumes up to 50 calories a day. What does that mean, right? Well, that’s about 25 times more calories burned off. I think I need to say that again, It amounts to 25 times more calories burned off!!!
So, incorporating some deadlifts and squats can help produce the most amount of muscle real quick.

Eat some Breakfast
I know some people who say they don’t eat breakfast and to each its own right. Well, here’s why you should. Our metabolism slows down when we’re sleeping and it uses a starvation reflex to conserve energy for survival. Whenever you wake up from your sleep, you need food to jumpstart your metabolism. Be sure it’s some type of food that’s beneficial to your body rather than junk food. And for those of you who feel like you’re not hungry when you wake up, you still need food to jumpstart your day.

Consume Water
Your body consist of 70% water and the muscles in your body is at 75%. On top of that there’s 90% of water in your blood, so it’s evident that water is a very important need for the body. There have been studies that show your metabolism can increased by 22% just by drinking a cold glass of water. One thing you have to be careful about is not drinking too much water because you can actually flush out a lot of electrolytes from your body, which are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate, chloride, and sulfate. I don’t know the recommended amount of water you should drink daily because I don’t typically agree with America’s standard about health and nutrition. So, to be on the safe side, I guess you can go with the 8 ounces a day for now.

Eat Regularly
This should be a great one! Eat about 5-6 small meals a day because it can help keep the metabolism rate up. I don’t mean to eat a gigantic meal every time you eat and honestly I think that’s one of the problems we have in America. People don’t know how to eat small meals. Remember this: If we deprive ourselves of food, it’s like to decrease our metabolism and make it harder for us to lose weight and burn calories. So, you see why it’s important to eat 5-6 small meals a day. If you work long hours, then take your food to work with you instead of eating everything the corporate world throw at you. Don’t fall victim to your co-workers treats. Especially, if there overweight. That’s just a thought but ultimately you’ll have to make that decision.

When you exercise, it plays a crucial part in increasing your metabolism. The more you do it, the more calories you burn and your metabolism will become more effective. Some people don’t think it but its true and don’t be the one left out on increasing it. Even when you’re resting, you’re burning calories so while not increase it at the resting rate by doing some exercise beforehand. My favorite is to do something where it challenges all parts of your body. Exercises like kick boxing, swimming, yoga, stretching exercises, jump rope, and exercises in the P90x category. Remember, that you will not become an exercise guru or expert overnight or after a couple of weeks of doing these exercises. If you’re new to doing any type of exercise, then take it easy because 9 times out of 10 you will be sore the next morning. We all want to just go hard the first day but it will take time for your body to adjust to the change you’re making. Please go easy but it’s easier said than done.

Eat plenty of Protein
Protein has the ability to increase your metabolism rate and it requires more energy and time for your body to break it down. Whenever your body spends a lot of time on something, then it spends a great deal of energy and calories. So, that definitely makes sense to me. I hope you can see the same picture.

Understanding what you read
This is one of my favorite and the most crucial part of anything in life. No matter what a trainer, nutritionists, a successful weight loss individual, or guru tells you, your understanding of what you’re doing will help you speed up your process. There are so many experts that gave the blueprint of what to do but I haven’t seen many explain this step. Sometimes, you have to do your own research to understand what is being said. We all can’t learn at the same pace or rate as others, but if you take the time to research certain topics or listen to other successful individuals in the industry, then you’ll develop an overall understanding and know how to approach your situation. There’s no excuse because you have plenty of materials, blogs, YouTube videos, and content available to help you increase your metabolism, lose weight, and to get in shape. I just hope that my blog helps you get on track to obtaining that body that you always wanted!

If you found this post to be helpful, then leave your comment and feedback to let me know how I can improve my delivery. And if you know someone who can benefit from reading this, then pass it along. What good is this knowledge if we don’t share it with one another? Let’s stop being selfish and help someone in need!! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Red Meat Vs. White Meat

White meat is the contrast to red meat, and it is also referred to as light meat. White meat can also refer to lighter colored meat that comes from poultry, which is distinct from the dark meat of poultry. Though the precise definition of white meat largely depends on culture, time and location, it is commonly agreed that white meat consists of meats like rabbit and chicken. Meat that can be considered red meat most commonly comes from the flesh of big mammals like mutton and beef. Goose and duck can also be thought of as red meat, but this is changing in the industry. In the battle between white meat versus red meat, there are pros and cons for both.

White Meat

White meat is best known as meat that is lean, especially in comparison with red meat. The big point about white meat is that its fat content is less in comparison with red meat. Meats traditionally thought of as white (such as veal and even lamb) have been reclassified as red meats. Another advantage to eating white meat over red meat, which is also why health experts recommend it over red meat, is the lower number of calories that it contains. However, the difference in calories between white meat and red meat is not so great that it will absolutely ruin your waistline if you choose to eat some red meat once in a while.

Red Meat

Red meat is the victim of stereotypes that have been exaggerated to the point where it is today 
somewhat stigmatized as a food that is linked to cancer and higher fat and caloric content. While the cancer issue depends on what studies you look at and the higher caloric content is not that much over white meat, red meat does have benefits that white meat simply lacks. For example, the nutrients zinc, iron, thiamine and riboflavin (in addition to vitamins B12 and B6) appear in much greater abundance in red meat. Moreover, red meat is a great source of muscle-building protein as well as being the best source of the antioxidant called alpha lipoic acid. Still, red meat has been the subject of a lot of studies that connect it to health problems beyond cancer, like cardiovascular disease and even arthritis and hypertension.

Which One to Choose

The bottom line is that no matter which meat you eat, you can guard yourself against health problems if you eat in MODERATION. I believe that's our biggest problem here in America!!!!!! Everyone moderation level is different and you got to cut back because red meat typically takes a little longer than white meat to digest out of the body. While white meat is not tied to as many health problems as red meat is, it does not feature many of the benefits that you get in red meat, such as the vitamins and minerals. So if you want to get a dose of said nutrients, you should eat more red meat, but do so in a way that is only moderate.


Although your body is capable of digesting red meat, its high fat and protein contents means that it takes longer to fully process and eliminate. According to Glenn King, Ph.D., and registered dietitian, the concept of digestibility refers to the proportion of the food that your body is able to transform into nutrients. Red meat is proportionally more digestible than many other food sources, such as flour and certain vegetables; however, it remains in the digestive system for a significantly longer period of time.

Digestive Disorders

Red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of digestive disorders related to the length of time this food remains in the body and the amount of digestive acids and enzymes required to break it down. According to gastrointestinal specialist Dr. Grant Thompson of the University of Ottowa, red meat consumption may be linked to irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn and dyspepsia.

Health Risks

Although red meat may offer a valuable source of protein, research indicates a clear association between frequent consumption and serious health risks. The high fat content in red meat contributes to an elevated risk for heart disease, blot clots and stroke, as well as obesity. An epidemiological review of cancer incidents in Italy, published in April 2000 in the "International Journal of Cancer," found a positive association between red meat intake and cancers of the pancreas, colon, rectum, and stomach. In an October 2005 study, appearing in the "Journal of the National Cancer institute," researchers investigating the relationship between red meat and increased risk for pancreatic cancer theorize that the heightened cancer risk may be attributable to meat preparation techniques rather than its nutrient contents.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Amazingly Long Earthworm Discovered In China

The video above was published on Sep 5, 2012 by Shinehood

In Binchaun County, China, a snake-like earthworm measuring over 19 inches (a half-meter) long was found in a house gutter. Li Zhiwei, a Forestry Bureau worker, made the discovery and eventually decided to keep the worm and raise it in his backyard.

An adult earthworm's measurements vary by species and can range anywhere from 10mm long and 1mm wide, to 3-meters long and over 25mm wide. Environmental factors also influence an earthworm's body size, and they tend to grow longer and larger during humid seasons if they take in sufficient nutrition and have no natural enemies. Biologists plan to study the earthworm found by Li to classify it and identify the reason it was able to grow to its current length.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Godmother of Cocaine Gunned Down in Colombia

A 69-year-old woman known throughout the drug world as the "Godmother of Cocaine" was gunned down by an assassin on a motorcycle in Colombia Monday, according to international news reports.
Griselda Blanco, once listed alongside Pablo Escobar as one of the "most notorious drug lords of the 1980s" by the Drug Enforcement Administration, was fatally shot as she left a butcher's shop in western Medellin Monday afternoon, according to a report by Univision and El Colombiano. Colombia's El Espectador reported authorities are looking for Blanco's killers and are investigating possible motives for the killing.
Blanco served nearly 20 years in an American prison on drug trafficking charges and was at one point tied to as many as 40 murders in the U.S., according to a 1997 Senate testimony given by then-director of DEA international operations Michael Horn. Horn said that Blanco ordered a Florida mall shooting in 1979 that left two dead and four injured, and she apparently enjoyed her line of work.
"To foster her reputation as the 'Godmother' of cocaine, [Blanco] named her fourth son Michael Corleone, after the fictional mob character portrayed in the movie 'The Godfather,'" Horn said.
Court documents filed in 1988, three years after Blanco was caught, detail the shadowy, decade-long hunt for the queenpin that involved federal agents chasing false identities and checking Miami hospitals for gunshot wound victims that matched Blanco's description. But she wasn't able to elude them forever and after being captured in 1985 in Irvin, Calif. and serving nearly two decades behind bars in America, Blanco was released from prison and deported back to Colombia in 2004.
The DEA referred all inquiries into Blanco's death to Colombian authorities, telling ABC News, "she served her time here." The Colombian National Police did not immediately respond to requests for comment for this report.
The story above was written by By Lee Ferran from ABC News.
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Monday, September 3, 2012

R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan

This is one of the actors I really enjoyed watching.. Gonna miss ya big bro!!!

Michael Clarke Duncan -- best known for his Oscar-nominated role as a death row inmate who possessed magical healing powers in the 1999 film "The Green Mile" -- died on Monday at the age of 54, according to his fiancee Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth.
Duncan had been in a Los Angeles hospital since July 13 following a heart attack and died on Monday morning after close to two months of treatment.
At 6-feet, 5-inches tall and approximately 300 pounds, Duncan was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for his role as gentle giant prisoner John Coffey in "The Green Mile," also starring Tom Hanks. Duncan won the role, in part, due to a recommendation by Bruce Willis, who he worked with on 1998's "Armageddon." Duncan went on to appear with Willis in three more films -- "Breakfast of Champions," "The Whole Nine Yards" and "Sin City."
Before he broke into acting, Duncan worked as a bodyguard for stars including Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, and The Notorious B.I.G. -- whose 1997 death prompted him to quit that line of work.
Duncan's career spanned three decades and included roles in other television and film titles including "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," "Married with Children," "The Jamie Foxx Show," "Living Single," "Bulworth," "Arli$$," "A Night at the Roxbury," "Sister, Sister," "Planet of the Apes," "CSI: NY," "Talladega Nights," "Two and a Half Men," "Bones," and most recently "The Challenger," which is yet to be released.
Duncan was a prolific voice-over actor as well, lending his rumbling baritone to animated characters in "Kung Fu Panda," "King of the Hill," "Family Guy," "Green Lantern," and many others. The African American actor also played The Kingpin in 2003's "Daredevil," starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner -- a notable achievement seeing as the character in the original comics, on which the film is based, was always depicted as being white.
"The Green Mile" was nominated for four Oscars in 2000 and won 15 other awards including best supporting actor trophies for Duncan from the Black Reel Awards and the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards.
Born and raised on Chicago's South Side and brought up by a single mother, Duncan is said to have resisted temptations of drugs and alcohol, instead focusing on school and acting. He worked digging ditches after attending community college, according to his biography on, then quit his job and moved to Hollywood, launching his acting career while in his thirties. More than three years ago, Duncan is said to have become a vegetarian, and appeared in a video for animal rights organization PETA earlier this year.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kobe Bryant vs Michael Jordan – Identical Plays

Tell me what's wrong from trying to model the best player you've ever seen? Can someone beside myself please give me an honest answer? MJ revolutionized the game of basketball and what he's done in his career gave hope to those that follows... So much hope, that we all have dream of being like Mike... I wasn't a fan of MJ growing up because he smashed my teams and all of the other players I was rooting for to get a ring, lol... But one thing I can't deny is that he was one bad mutha**** excuse my language.

 I say that to say this..... How many people or NBA players have been named the next MJ or pretty much try to imitate his game? You can probably count for days, right? And how of them came close? The point is there will never be another Micheal Jordan but I guarantee you that folks trying to play like won't ever stop. As Kobe Bryant stated, which the haters fail to acknowledge, is that of course he modeled his game after Jordan because he wanted to play like him. But not only Jordan, but all of the Greats like Bird and Magic too. Kobe's a student of the game and he was very fortunate to come after Jordan.

The video above was published on Aug 26, 2012 by 2012Mamba

 If you think about it, who did MJ had to look up to? I'm not that old but when I look through history, I don't see a shooting guard that dominated the game. It was mostly the big guys but I'm pretty sure an old school guru will answer my question and tell me otherwise. Kobe studied film, put in the work, & it's amazing how identical they look in that video. Each generation from here on out will benefit from film watching and the history of MJ and the other greats that ever play the game. And We're also starting to see things that we aren't accustomed to like the play of Lebron. As Big and fast as he is to do the things he do.

 Bottom line, athletes are going to get better and one day it'll be someone, maybe one of your grandchildren, that will take basketball to a whole different level. I just hope to be around to see it..

 While we're waiting on that to happen, I'll be making a 100% Commissions with the Empower Network! Click on the Empower Network Image below for details.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Realism Challenge #3: Playing Card: The Process of Great Artwork


 Because of all of the past frauds, cons, lies, & cheats; We live in a time where seeing is believing, right? Well, I must commend this artist for providing video proof on how a drawing can look exactly if not better than an original picture.

 Does it amazes me? Absolutely not, because I understand that we as humans have the ability to do whatever we put our minds to. It's definitely fascinating to my eyes, though. I'm not going to lie and I appreciate the talent the artist provided. 

I guess this video was in reference to the  Samuel Silva, whose purportedly hand-drawn ballpoint pen sketches have wowed a lot of people on the Internet. His portrait of a Russian model was so photorealistic that many people doubted he could have done it by hand, and further, that he'd used only ballpoint pens. Even though the real story behind his drawings has yet to be revealed.

If you haven't seen the picture then here it is:

Beautiful ain't it!!! Well, I don't know if he done it by ball point pen or not because after watching the video above, It's definitely possible.   Thank you for taking the time to view this blog and If you're interested in changing your future then I present to you an opportunity to earn a 100% Commissions with the Empower Network! Click on the Empower Network Image below for details!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bread and Gluten


Gluten is a substance made up of the proteins found in wheat flour that gives bread its structure, strength, and texture.  Without these marvelous little proteins, bread would not be bread.  It also explains why it is so hard to make bread from rice, potato, or oat flour and why wheat flour has to be added to rye flour to make bread—only wheat has enough protein.  The gluten makes the bread.  

Foods Containing Gluten

Along with wheat, other cereal grains that contain gluten are durum, spelt, and einkorn, as well as farro, graham, kamut, and semolina. Many are also used to enhance the flavor and protein of foods, as well as to bind and thicken their consistency. While the grains are often found in breakfast cereals and various baked goods, they can also be included in a variety of other foods that are not as obvious. Used as a thickener, gluten can be found in soups and broths, as well as gravies and sauces such as ketchup, salad dressings, or marinades. Since it enhances flavor, it is used in bouillon, spice blends, and other foods such as coffees, dairy products, vinegars, and liquors. It can also be found in the substance used to seal envelopes since it acts as a stabilizer.    

Gluten & Celiac disease

Celiac disease  is a disorder resulting from an immune reaction to gluten. It can affect, genetically, predisposed people of all ages, but often begins in middle infancy. Symptoms include chronic diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue, but in some cases the disorder can be asymptomatic. Celiac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin (a gluten protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and sometimes oats).

So, if you have celiac disease, then gluten free is the way to go.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MSM: What is MSM?

The video above was Uploaded by Jacquee22 on Apr 18, 2011


Methylsulfonylmethane (METH-É™l-sul-FON-il-METH-ane) provides sulfur, a vital building block of joints, cartilage, skin, hair and nails, and methyl groups, which support many vital biochemical processes in the body, including energy production.            MSM

It's a naturally-occurring nutrient found in small amounts of many foods. As a dietary supplement, it is synthesized. When made correctly, it is identical to that found in nature. It can be taken alone or in combination with other joint health supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

MSM & Joint Pain

MSM is thought to deliver sulfur to the body in a useable way. Sulfur helps maintain the structure of connective tissue by forming cross-linkages through disulfide bonds, i.e., sulfur strengthens the tissues that make up the joint.
Sulfur is critical to good joint health. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are the fundamental building blocks of joint cartilage, and GAG molecules are linked together in chains by disulfide bonds. As the name implies, these bonds are between two sulfur atoms. The disulfide bridges reduce conformational flexibility of GAG chains, making cartilage firm and resilient. Cartilage integrity is thus a sulfur-dependent state.
MSM contains a lot of sulfur – 34% by weight. While more research is needed to determine how the body absorbs the sulfur it needs from MSM, preliminary studies in mice and in horses suggest that the sulfur in MSM is incorporated into proteins and into joint tissues.

MSM & Hair Growth
It can naturally lengthen your hair’s growth phase.
Your hair grows in three cycles: Growing, Resting, and Shedding. Each and every hair on your head (even body) is in one of these phases at all times. However, you may not notice significant shedding, because you have many other hairs in the other two phases at the same time.
So how will it make your hair grow longer? If your “Growing” phase lasts two years, and your hair normally grows one half inch per month, your hair will only grow 12 inches before entering the resting and shedding phases. (24 months times ½ inch per month).
On the other hand, if your “Growing” phase lasts 3 years, then it will grow 18 inches. (36 months times ½ inch per month).
Since your growth phase is genetically determined, there is no way this will change unless you use a supplement containing MSM. It's also known to naturally increase the length of your hair’s growing phase.
Information provided by
Since so many companies are selling MSM, make sure that you get the one that says a 100% Pure.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: Why is Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Important?

The Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
This Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, is made by fermenting apples in a wood barrel. It can be a powerful, healthy, weapon in your arsenal. It can help you battle a variety of illnesses and flush out toxins.

The truly useful apple cider vinegar is not the clear vinegar you find in many stores. There's no health benefit from clear vinegar. The powerful benefits are found in the natural organic apple cider vinegar with a brownish tinge to it and floating stuff inside. The floating matter is called "mother" and is formed from the pectin and apple residue. This brown vinegar is the one creating all the buzz, the one with the minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

Reasons why Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is my recommendation for a healthy body plus weight loss

There are many ingredients found in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar that enhances its reputation as a true health benefit. Calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, malic acid and pectin are several of the minerals which it has in perfectly balanced amounts, which gets most people's attention & here's how they benefit your body.

Potassium- to avoid runny nose, hair loss, brittle teeth
Malic Acid- to fight infections from harmful bacteria and fungus
Acetic Acid- accounts for the sour taste of vinegar; lowers the blood's pH levels thereby creating an inhospitable intestinal environment for bacterial & fungal infections
Pectin- facilitates regulation of blood pressure and removal of bad cholesterol

Other Benefits of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
-Smoothes skin texture and tone
-Relieves muscle pain from exercise
-Promotes digestion & pH Balance
-Promotes a healthy immune system
-Improves digestion and helps expel body toxins
-Can help soothe neck, shoulder and back pain
-Raw Apple Cider Vinegar helps clear skin irritations, like acne & contact dermatitis
-Helps with weight control – Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar taken before meals will speed up your metabolism
-Can be applied shoulders, neck and forehead to feel rejuvenated (only for 30 minutes per session and shower after)
-Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has even been known to help relieve the symptoms of constipation

As you can see, this vinegar serves a great purpose for your body and I highly recommend that you use it if you're trying to lose weight or trying to help show your six pack.
Trust me, it was definitely a help for me obtaining mine.
Troy's Abdominals

*Note that Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is not great on its Taste* here's a few tips to help you take it.

-Mix it with water (or your favorite beverage) and raw honey or nectar for a refreshing morning drink; the honey is also beneficial to your immune system and provides energy.
-You can use it on your salad
-If you like to pickle fruits & vegetables, then you can sprinkle some on them which is a very healthy choice
-You can also add it to your regular blend of herbs & spices when you mix marinades for meats if you're a meat eater

This is why Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is one of my favorites and it's Naturally Gluten Free 

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Losing Belly fat; Extreme Weight loss and Carbohydrates Foods

Losing Belly fat; Extreme Weight loss and Carbohydrates Foods Breakdown
This seems like the number 1 question in the fitness world and every time you log on to the internet, there's this magical pill or some type of machine that will help you obtain abs. So, people tuned into these infomercials, see these models with abs (most were paid to advertise the product), and they expect to look like that in a short period of time.

Now, I know that you're sick and tired of buying these products and getting minimal results. I'm sick and tired of seeing these pop up ads that saying that "the trainer hates these guys". In order to get rid of or slim down your midsection, you will have to understand your abdominal muscles and fat. The body needs fat to store energy and the abdominal is the area where it stores it.
So, what does that mean? To put it in a nutshell, that's the last place where fat is going to leave. Well what about liposuction? Please avoid going that route because I believed it’s unsafe. For one, during that type of procedure, it strips away all of your fat cells and fat will go where there are fat cells. So, if fat cells are not around the abdominal area, then your body fat must go where they are cells. That could increase in the fingers, neck, or wherever fat decides to go.
You must control what goes in your body and stay away from foods that are high in fat, have high sodium (which leads you bloated), and ones that have trans-fat in them. You will have to find alternatives and give up the fast & greasy foods. Exercising is important but they key to obtaining great looking abs is through the foods that enter your body. More fruits and vegetables and less meat and potatoes. You can either continue buying pills and machines or stay looking the way you are or you can make a sacrifice and do it the right way. The choice is always yours. Make it the right one!

Losing Belly fat; Extreme Weight loss and Carbohydrates Foods Plus Foods that have natural fat fighting properties

Fat Burning Fruits
Some of the fruits that cut fat are apples, blueberries and watermelon, oranges, guava, grapefruit, papaya, sweet lime, and tangerines. 
Fat Burning Fruits rich in vitamin C - Citrus Fruits: like limes, lemons, oranges, guava, grapefruit, papaya, sweet lime, tangerines and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and fiber and have fat burning properties so they may be called as fat burners or fat fighters.
Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster and also stimulates the carnitine amino acid which speeds up the body's fat-burning capacity.Vitamin C also dilutes the fat and makes it less effective and helps in releasing the fat from the body.
Apples: Pectin in apple restricts the cells to absorb the fat; and also encourages water absorption from the food which helps in releasing the fat deposits from the body. The antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an apple body shape.

Losing Belly fat; Extreme Weight loss and Carbohydrates Foods

Fat Burning Vegetables
Some of the vegetables that may be included in the list of fat burning foods are asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, chilies, beans, soybeans, sweet potatoes.
Chilies: Foods containing chilies or cayenne pepper are considered as foods that burn fat. Chilies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is a thermo genic food, so it causes the body to burn extra calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chilies.
Curry leaves (Curry Patta): Curry leaves flush out fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits in the body.
Fat Burning Vegetables: Garlic: Garlic contains the anti-bacterial sulphur compound allicin which helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats, making it an effective fat burning food.
Cabbage: Cabbage, raw or cooked inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat, making it good for weight reduction.
Dairy Products That Burn Fat:
Calcium rich foods like dairy products - milk, cheese and yogurt are good at fat burning that can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells.
Eating 3-4 servings of dairy products a day is more effective at enhancing weight loss efforts than calcium supplementation alone.
The researchers found:
Overweight people who consumed 3 servings a day of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who followed a similar diet minus two or more of the dairy servings. The calcium supplements didn't work as well as milk.

Nuts help feel full while also increasing the body's ability to burn fat, says author Jordi Salas-Salvado of the University of Rovira i Virgili in Reus, Spain.
Cardamom: Cardamom is a thermogenic herb like Capsaicin that increases metabolism and helps burn body fat.
Proteins: High Protein Foods and high fiber foods are best foods burning belly fat. Protein needs more energy to digest than fat so eat low calorie dairy products, beans, whole grains, oatmeal, eggs, etc. as much as possible. Eggs contain vitamin B12, which helps the body in breaking down and burning the fat.
Lentils are high in protein and soluble fiber, two nutrients that stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore lentils are a great tummy flattener," according to Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D., author of The F-Factor Diet.
Green Tea: Studies show that green tea revs up your metabolism, so drink several cups a day.
Fish oil: Fish oil supplements are a great way to shed pounds. A recent study found that fish oil is great for helping your body burn fat more efficiently.
Honey: Honey mobilises the extra fat deposits in the body.
Avoid Salt and Sugar: Avoiding salt and sugar can shape you up very fast.
Note that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done by eating fat fighting foods and doing some physical activity. This will help your body burning up the excessive stored fat.
Another process that's crucial to losing belly fat is the detoxification of your liver. To understand exactly how, click here or on the picture below to know why!

 Liver Detox