Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Understanding Fat Will Help You Eliminate The Unnecessary Fat

A lot of people fail when it comes to eliminating fat around their midsection and I believe it's because many really don't understand how fat works within your body! To be honest with you, you probably won't be able to completely eliminate fat because it's our backup source for energy. Your body's primary fuel source comes from carbohydrates and when your body uses up all the carbs, it reaches out to the stored fat for more energy. So, your body will always have fat. How much of it will depend on how much you consume through eating and drinking. Also, here's something that you may or may not know: When you eat an excess amount of carbohydrates, your body would store the rest as "fat". So, you definitely want to be sure that you eat the recommended amount of good carbs versus the bad carbs. You can find a more in depth view of carbohydrates in my other post here http://thetruthfulblog101.blogspot.com/2017/05/carbohydrates-understanding-how-to.html. But for now, the focus will be on understanding how to eliminate unnecessary body fat.

Here's some facts about Fats that you need to know:

Fat contains more energy than any nutrient 

Fat provides 9 calories per gram

There are 4 different types of fat (Saturated, Transfat, Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated)

Mono & Polyunsaturated fats are the healthier fats

Saturated and Transfat are the bad fats

To eliminate most of the belly fat around your midsection, you will have to cut down on the saturated and transfats. Now, for those who are thinking about just cutting out fats period; Hold that thought! That route will be like a suicide mission & you don't want to starve your body of fats. Here's why that's not a wise choice. Our bodies was perfectly made to protect us in the event that you can't eat at regular intervals. In the case that you don't eat, your body will hold on to the stored fat and slowly feed the main organs of the body to help keep you alive until you can replenish it with the nutrients it needs. People may see some results starving themselves, but as soon as they start back eating regularly, their weight returns. So, I will urge to stay away from starving yourself and eat quality food that contains the healthier fats so they can provide nutrients for your body.

So, you're probably wondering how much fat should you eat on a daily basis, right? That's a great question and I've came across many different answers and I'd like the recommendation that the American Heart Association (AHA) has. They recommend that adults should consume around 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fats. To put that in perspective, let's say that you're on a 2,000 calories a day plan. 5 to 6% of those calories equals to 100-120 calories a day. If you're on a different daily calorie intake, then use the following formula to come up with your recommended amount of calories.

5/100 = 0.05    0.05 x 2,000 =100
6/100 = 0.06    0.06 x 2,000 = 120

I converted 5% to decimal form by dividing it by 100 (5/100), which equals 0.05
Then, I took 0.05 and multiply it by the daily calorie intake, which is 2,000 (0.05 x 2,000) to come up with 100. If you follow the same format for 6%, it will give you 120 as your answer.

Even though saturated is one of the bad fats, you still need a little bit of them in your body. It's when we consume too much of the saturated fats, that causes the problems in our bodies.

So, the next time you eat something, take a look at the nutritional label (usually on the back of the product) and examine just how much saturated fat it has in it. You'll be surprised on how much some foods contains.

I will also be breaking down foods that are within the different 4 fat classes in the near future. So, comment, share, and like this blog and remember that I'm always open for feedback. If there's anything that you would like for me to talk about, request it.

If you're looking for an advanced way to reduce your belly fat and weight, grab a copy of my eBook below by clicking on the image! If the image click doesn't work, then click or enter the following url in your web browser. https://www.amazon.com/Liver-Detox-Role-Weight-Loss-ebook/dp/B010E8NFY0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1499087871&sr=8-2&keywords=troy+allen

 Liver Detox And Its Role With Weight Loss

Like what you've read? Feel free to share with your family, friends, and on your favorite social media sites. Leave a comment or post your questions in the comment box below.

Follow and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel by clicking on the link
below for relevant videos about workouts, nutrition, and fitness.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why you must have a plan Inside and Outside of the Gym?

 Invest In Your Health
Sometimes, we have a habit of looking at another individual fitness results from the outside and automatically think that it came easy. I would like to pause for a few seconds to let you all know that I was definitely guilty in that regard. I was grateful enough to be able to speak to a few individuals that have achieved the results that I desired to have. Even though I was busting my behind doing a lot of high intensity workouts, I still wasn't getting my desired results. For the record, I was never huge or big in any type of way. I was real skinny but lack the tone and muscle definition that I wanted to have. That's when I was guided to studying and examining the back of food labels (Hence the outside plan my title is referring to). Once I've gained the discipline and the will to do so, I've gained clarity on a whole lot of things. So, my challenge to you is to go upon that same path. I want you to see how "understanding" the types of food you consume plays a major role of shaping your body.

Even though I can make you aware of some things, I can't make you want to do it. That's a decision you must make with yourself. I've met plenty of people who mentioned that they would like to learn about the effects of certain foods but look for me to just give them all the answers. Ladies and gents, that's the wrong concept to have plus I don't have all the answers. I'm too busy studying and focusing on a ton of new things that's coming out. I spend time researching them to see if it will benefit my body in anyway. Now, don't get me wrong; I have no problem discussing things with people, but just know that you have to be accountable and take some initiative yourself. Go ahead and conduct your own research, jot down things that don't make sense to you, and then we can talk about it. If you can take the time to do just that, then that tells me a lot about you.

Throughout my fitness journey, I've completed and attempted so many types of exercises. I've found that over time, your body will get used to a certain routine. There's debates out there about how long your body will get used to them. I'm not going to get into the debates, but just know that your body will. I believe you should switch up your workouts every now and then. It could be every 3 weeks, every 2 months, 6 months, whatever you may decide. Doing different types will only benefit your body.

Remember, keep doing different types of exercises and take the time to understand the types of foods that's entering your body. Once you make the decision to understanding the foods, the easier your plan will be to achieve your desire body.

If you feel that anyone can benefit from this blog, share it on your social media page. Like it and comment below!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Commit To Be Fit

When it comes to fitness, there's one rule that I consistently abide by and that's commitment. sets the tone for everything else that follows. That rule is "COMMIT TO BE FIT"!!!! So, it didn't matter how long it took me, it didn't matter what I was going through, as long as I kept that commitment, I knew it was going to happen. Here's another thing that I want to point out: "BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN DO IT"

I've came across of lot of individuals throughout my fitness journey that just didn't had that belief. So, what did I do? Well, I believed in them until they believe for themselves! I'll admit that it takes time and everyone is not on the same level when they first make a commitment like that. Your mind is the one that needs to be convincing and then your body will follow. Motivation and Inspiration are 2 things that I've found to be very contagious and it will help others conquer their goals. So, to all of my people out there who are motivating and inspiring others, I salute to you all!!!

If you need any motivation, then don't be afraid to subscribe to my blog as I'll share some motivation time and time again. I know that I can't be around you physically, so hopefully the words in my blog will be motivating enough!!

In addition to your commitment and fitness goals, I would like to share with you to be smart about supplements that you may be using. I'd prefer supplements that are more of a natural state rather than those that are artificially created. The following supplement that I'm recommending is for those who are looking for alternative ways to help burn fat and decrease their belly size. Before I mentioned the supplement, I want you to remember this: "There's no magic pill or supplement that can help you get fit or lose belly fat ALONE" It's that combination of healthy eating and exercise that will ultimately get you to that level. So, to help you start get started to losing your belly fat; Click here!

You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking on the link below for videos about exercising, nutrition,  and fitness.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Why is Obtaining 6 Pack Abs So Hard?

Why does it seem difficult to have visible 6 or 8 pack abs? I know this is one question that most have asked yourself or others and you've probably came across many different answers.Most of them may have been true and most of them may have been not. It can definitely get confusing, especially when what you're trying has been exposed or it just doesn't work at all.

I truly believe that the reason most people struggle points to the fact that you haven't been taught how to attack them from an eating perspective. Exercising, crunches, and core exercises are great to help strengthen your abs but they will not make them show. The way that you get them to show is to reduce the belly fat that lies over them. I can tell you from experience that it's definitely easier said than done. Getting to that level takes discipline ladies and gentlemen as well as education. It is not an overnight process. That last sentence is worth repeating. "IT IS NOT AN OVERNIGHT PROCESS!" Excuse me from using all caps, I just want to be sure you understand the statement. I don't want you to get discourage either because I'm here to educate and make sure you start on a more effective path. Take a look at the video below to get started.

I came across this quote and want to share it with you.

"There's A Difference Between Interest And Commitment. When You're Interested In Doing Something, You Do It Only When It's Convenient. When You're Committed To Something, You Accept No Excuses; Only Results." by Kenneth Blanchard

Remember, that it's all about education and here's the perfect solution to help you get started on reducing your belly fat. Click on the eBook image below to get your copy so you start turning excuses into results.

 Liver Detox and Its Role With Weight Loss

Like what you've read? Feel free to share on Face Book or Twitter using 
the super-easy share buttons below.. Leave a comment or post your questions if you have any. 

You can also follow and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel by clicking on the link 
below for relevant videos about workouts, nutrition, and fitness.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

How to tackle your Weight Loss Plateau

First of all, I want you to know that Weight Loss Plateaus are normal and you shouldn't beat yourself over it like it's the end of the world. All you have to do is make a few minor adjustments to your plan and those pounds should start to fall off again.

Now, this will differ from person to person but my recommendations are from a general standpoint. Before I dive into those recommendations, remember that there could be several things that can cause your weight to plateau. Things like medications, antidepressants, and even blood pressure pills. I would highly recommend consulting your doctor to see if those type of medications are interfering with your weight loss goals. If you find out that they do, then ask your doctor if there's an alternative solution that won't affect your weight loss goals. Another thing that's most common with plateaus is when the calories you burn equals the amount of calories you eat. You will definitely want to be able to burn more calories than you consume. Below are some recommendations that can help you get you back on track to shedding those pounds.

Change the intensity of your Workouts

If you been doing the same workouts at your own pace, then you definitely need to turn up the intensity level. Start performing High intensity interval training workouts because it will allow you to burn more calories in a short amount of time. The key is that you have to give a 100% intensity. You're the only one who can truly know when you're giving 100%. Our bodies are made to adapt and will get comfortable if you continue doing the same type of exercises over and over again. It's important to confuse your muscles because it will allow you to get the ultimate results. 

Re-calculate your calorie intake

When you initially started your weight loss goals, your calorie intake was at a certain level and you probably loss weight at a very high rate. Now, that your weight has changed, you will have to re-calculate your calorie intake and probably go lower than what you're consuming now. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then I urge you to look up the term, visit a local gym, a nutritionist, or even your doctor to help you determine what your calorie intake is. If you're the patience type, then you can manually figure it out by following the steps below.

1. Eat the same number of calories each day for 3 weeks.
2. Weigh yourself at the end of the week (7 days) on an empty
stomach. For example, if you start on a Monday, then weigh yourself on
the following Monday. If it's a Thursday, then weigh yourself on the
following Thursday.
3. Write down your weight at the end of the week in your journal. Compare
your weight and monitor your results.
4. Adjust accordingly if needed.

If you found that your weight stayed the same, then you've found your

calorie maintenance level. If you're stuck at a weight plateau, try reducing your calorie intake by 200 calories and monitor how your body responds to the change. Please be sure that you're eating plenty of high-fiber vegetables and fruits because they make it possible to keeping those pounds off long term.

In addition to those recommendations, grab a copy of my eBook by clicking on the image below to get you started with tackling your weight loss plateau. The knowledge inside will really help transform your weight and overall health. Here's the link, in case you have any issues clicking on the image. https://www.amazon.com/Liver-Detox-Role-Weight-Loss-ebook/dp/B010E8NFY0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1498959166&sr=8-2&keywords=troy+allen

Liver Detox and Its Role With Weight Loss

If you've found this information helpful, feel free to share it on your social media sites. Leave a comment or post your questions if you have any. You can also follow and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel by clicking on the link below for relevant videos about workouts, nutrition, and fitness.https://youtu.be/rS_DWJMmT24