Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Your Guide to Eliminating Belly Fat

Please stay away from foods that are high in saturated fat! Saturated fats are known to raise your LDL cholesterol levels, which
are the bad kind of cholesterol for your body. Once the LDL level increases, it contributes to your arteries becoming clogged and increased the risk for heart disease or stroke. There are other studies going on now suggesting that saturated fats could be link to prostate cancer and other diseases. It’s not proven yet but I want you to really think about how these high levels of LDL are affecting our bodies.

You’re probably wondering how much saturated fat should we have daily, right? Well, according to the American Heart Association, they recommend that we should have around 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fats. To break that down further, here's an example. If your calorie diet is 2,000 calories a day, then you should consume around 100-120 calories or about 13 grams a day. I came up with that number using the formula below.

0.05 x 2,000 = 100
0.06 x 2,000 = 120

I converted 5% to decimal form by dividing it by 100 (5/100), which equals 0.05 and did the same for 6%.

For more additional information on saturated fat, check out the YouTube video below: 

Eliminating belly fat is a challenge within itself and here's a few recommendations that will assist you to make that happen.

  • Reduce your saturated fat intake ( less than 20% of your calorie intake)
  • Consume foods that contain Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fat or contain very low fat 
  • Reduce your overall calorie intake
  • Drink more water and less juice or sugary beverages
  • Full body Detox or some type of Liver detox
  • High intensity exercises

The lack of not knowing one reason why people struggle with eliminating unnecessary belly fat. 

Now listed below are some foods that are known to have a higher amount of saturated fats in them. So, remember to read the food labels of anything you consume and focus on the saturated fat levels.

Fatty beef
Beef fat
Poultry with Skin
Dairy Products
Fried Foods
Baked Goods
Plant based oils like Coconut, Palm, & Kernel

Here are some alternatives for replacing foods that are High with Saturated Fats

Choose Oils over Butter but avoid tropical oils like coconut, palm kernels, and palm oils because they are very rich and high in saturated fat. 

Replace high fat dairy foods with Low fat dairy foods

For example, if you're cooking something that requires whole milk, use skim or almond milk
If require buttermilk, use low-fat milk
If require sour cream, use non-fat Greek yogurt

Replace High Fat Meats with Lean Protein Meats

Lean protein foods are usually very low in saturated fat 

If you eat pork bacon, try replacing it with Canadian or Turkey instead
If you consume meat, choose lean ground beef instead of regular ground beef
Choose lean cuts of red meat and take off the visible fat before cooking meat
Choose skinless poultry and seafood
If you're taking the no meat route, then egg whites are a great selection

For some additional ways to try to eliminate your belly fat, grab a copy of my eBook on @ or by clicking on the eBook below: