Friday, July 7, 2017

How To Read Food Labels

Reading food labels has finally reach the radar for most individuals and I always wonder why it took so long. Anyway, just like anything else in life, this topic can get confusing when you don't truly understand what you're reading. Lucky for you, I will take some time to dive into the important factors that you want to pay attention to. Take a look at the image below to get a visual of how most food labels appear on a product.

The first thing you want to focus on is the "serving size & servings per container" because it sets the tone for everything else. Let's look at how this come into play when you're focusing on just the amount of calories. So, for all of my people who tracking calories, you especially want to pay close attention to this segment. If you look at the picture above, the amount of calories is listed as 90 and 30 of those calories come from fat. Most people will assume that this food only contains 90 calories. Remember the serving size and servings per container I was referring to. Well, 90 calories is not the correct amount of calories in this case. Look at the servings per container! It's listed as 3 so the amount of calories you will consume if you eat this entire package is 270. You will have to multiply the calories times the servings per container. 

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