Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Art of Stretching

This is probably one thing that's overlook or doesn't get the proper attention that it needs. Stretching is more than what your eyes see. As a whole, why do we neglect stretching? Is it because we don't physically see results or because we feel we can just do anything without it even doing it? Have you ever watched ballerinas or those people who seem to be so flexible? You probably guess that they're just natural and was born to be flexible. I'll bet against that theory. Most of the time, we see people success and automatically think that they became that way overnight. I bet if you can have a conversation with those individuals, you'll see that it took dedication and time. Whatever your reason is, let me point out some benefits when you truly take your time to stretch.

Decrease your risk of injury

Increase Your Posture

Increase Blood Flow throughout your Body

Improve Flexibility and range of motion

Decrease Lower Back Pain

Remember to take your time and listen to how your body responds to a particular stretch. There's a difference between pain and a good stretch. It you get to a point where the pain is excruciating, then please stop and consult a doctor or physical therapist if you can afford it. To be able to get the maximum benefits of stretching, you have to do it the right way. Breathing is also important when you're stretching. Avoid holding your breath!

There's a debate out there whether to stretch before working out or after. I say why not both. Just know that muscles react better to stretching once they're warm up. So, a light jog in place for a couple of minutes should help with that!

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