Before you can start any type of workout regimen or program, you have to get that mind of yours in a state where you're ready to take on any challenge. The reason why is because your mental power outweighs anything you can do physically. Think about times throughout your life where you told yourself that you can do or can't do something. You were probably right in both situations! You told yourself that you was going to accomplish something and you did. You failed at something and told yourself or others "See, I told you it don't work". Those answers can apply to almost anything you've dealt with in life. I've heard and seen it time and time again when it comes to working out or fitness. For example, have you ever receive the same book, program, or guideline that someone else did and only 1 of you got the desire results? You know for a fact that you follow every single recommendation and did what it says and got nothing. How many of us have been there? I can attest to that stage a few times but you're only as strong as your belief. If you truly believe it will happen, then it will. If you doubt and always think that it won't, then it won't. Everything don't happen on your timeline either. So, you have to train your mind in a positive way and surround yourself around those who are positive and can help motivate your mind. Your mind will resist at first, especially if you've been procrastinating all of your life. It's definitely a challenge for most people but once you get it to the point of believing or speaking situations into existence, you'll be amazed. That's 1 of the major differences when it comes to those who get the desire results versus those who don't. Notice, it didn't say the ONLY thing. I'm pretty sure there are probably other things that can be added to that equation. I just know how powerful the mind is. So, if you want to get fit then let's start by getting your mind right. The results will be Priceless!
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